Award Winning!
Music Programs we implemented at 4 of our Partner Schools
earned them National Awards in Music Education from the NAMM Support Music Merit Award.

We love working together to create amazing communities for Music Education
We offer a fully customizable program
Classroom Instruction
Trained Music Universe instructors bring our curriculum onsite and into the classroom each week. Remote learning ready!
Music Camps
Music Universe can partner with your school to offer Summer Programming.
Music Universe Academy
Private, group and small ensemble lessons are offered onsite and online
Extra-Curricular Programming
Choir and instrumental ensembles that can be offered both within and outside of the regular school day.
What Matters to Us
High quality Music Education which inspires, challenges and develops the whole student
We embrace the values of hands-on experience, play and performance, and encourage creativity, improvisation and fun! We believe that through music, students can learn interdisciplinary and cross-curriculum skills such as critical thinking, logical reasoning and language. Music allows us to celebrate diversity, across our world and within our own communities. Through the joy of music, our students develop skills of self-confidence and teamwork – learning how to listen and feeling empowered to participate.
Reimagine Music Education for Your School
Music Universe can help make your school music program shine with…
Our teachers are formally educated in music. They are trained to teach our unique curriculum and programs.
Consistent Curriculum
Our program is designed to offer consistency and musical development from year to year.
Performance Opportunities
We provide and faciliate performance opportunities for students both onsite and off

Our Philosophy
We believe music and art are worthy pursuits in themselves. We also know that through music, we can provide an education that develops the whole student.
Holistic Approach
The arts and humanities teach us about ourselves, as individuals and as communities.
Music, as a discipline. embraces all subjects and fields including math, language, history and science.
Team Building
Performing and listening to music is centered on communication and teamwork
Life Skills
Music teaches discipline but it is also fun. Learning music introduces students to healthy approaches to hardwork
A Community of Teachers
We give our teachers all the support and resources they need so they can focus on what they care about the most – their students.
Our teachers are not only educated in music, but trained in the Music Universe resources and curriculum.
Our curriculum and programs are designed to ensure consistent musical development in students from year to year.
We foster a supportive environment for our community of teachers to make their job easier. Happy teachers bring joy to the classroom!
Our music classroom embraces technology and is grounded in contemporary reserach on inclusivity and healthy student development through music.

Flexible Modalities
Safe In-Person
Safety is our #1 concern and we are up-to-date on the risks and potential risk-mitigation techniques for in-person music learning. We are creatively adapting lessons and practices that allow us to teach music safely and can work with your campus to ensure the safest conditions for your school community.
Remote Learning Ready
All of our lessons and instructors are ready to begin in or move into remote learning at any time. From the beginning, our curriculum has integrated technology at all levels, allowing the shift to online learning to be smooth and effective. Our instructors are experienced with the best practices of online and hybrid education and are eager to reach students in whichever modality works best for your school.
Virtual choirs are just one way we embrace technology to allow our students to continue to make music together safely
Are you a music teacher?
Learn how to join our team!
Here’s what parents have to say about Music Universe in their school:
My son Rocco and daughter Stella love this music class so much that they signed up for choir too. They were inspired and moved to learn new instruments and different types of music. I was impressed when I saw them on stage in Disneyland
park and perform in front of a crowd. Great Experiences and memories for both the kids and the parents.
This music class not only helped them learn how to read and play music, it opened a new world to the kids, learning new instruments and how to play in groups. An overall great experience!

Marzia R.
My children have asked to take piano lessons thanks to the Music Universe program. James (4 years) asked me to remind him to bring his guitar in to next week’s class.
The love for music has been established organically with my children thanks to the music teachers and genuine love for music at our school.

Renee F.
Music Universe is the perfect solution for principals looking to offer a quality music education program – especially for those seeking a highly qualified, part-time teacher. Our partnership has led to continuity of instruction without having to hire teachers directly.

Danielle Colvert